Prof. Ole Mejlhede Jensen

Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering
Technical University of Denmark

Professor and DSc in construction materials and civil engineering. He has held several guest and full professorships inside and outside Denmark.

Tutor and speaker at a number of courses at BSc and MSc level including continued education within construction materials, cement and concrete technology and material physics since 1991. Founder of the RILEM Educational Activities Committee and through this been involved in sponsorship and supervision of more than 100 educational activities at doctoral level (doctoral courses, books etc.). Since 1999 tutor, speaker and organizer at doctoral courses on advanced cement-based materials in numerous countries.

The research interests of Ole Mejlhede Jensen include high-performance concrete, shrinkage, hydration kinetics, supplementary cementitious materials, and measurement techniques. With a Web of Knowledge H-index of 27 he has published books, book chapters, papers in peer-refereed scientific journals and conference proceedings, authored patents, research reports and other technical publications.

Ole Mejlhede Jensen is member of the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences and has been chairman, deputy chair and member of a number of RILEM committees including administrative committees. Honorary president of RILEM 2016 and Fellow of RILEM. Organizer of more than 10 international, scientific conferences, reviewer and editorial board member for numerous scientific journals and conferences with editorial handling of more than 500 submissions.

Prof. Konstantin Kovler

Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

Professor at the Faculty of Civil & Environmental Engineering and Head, Dept. of Building Materials & Technology, National Building Research Institute. Ph.D. in Structural Engineering (State Univ. of Civil Engineering, Moscow, 1986). Since 1991 works at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology.

Teaches numerous graduate and undergraduate courses, such as “Building Materials”, “Advanced Chapters in Cementitious Systems”, “Durability of Building Materials & Structures”, “Non-Destructive Testing of Concrete”, “Radiation Safety in Construction”. Contributed to organizing and teaching at several Ph.D. Courses in Australia, China, Denmark, Mexico, Northern Macedonia, Russia, Slovakia, Israel.

The research interests of Prof. Kovler include high-performance concrete; shrinkage & creep; gypsum; pozzolanic materials; recycling of industrial by-products; non-destructive testing of concrete; radioactivity of building materials and radon mitigation. Has authored more than 100 peer-reviewed papers in international journals, and more than 80 papers in proceedings of international conferences, authored/edited more than 30 books and book chapters, authored six patents and patent applications.

Prof. Kovler chaired three expert committees (“Non-destructive Tests of Concrete”, “Radioactivity of Building Materials”, “Lightweight Aggregates”) and three technical committees (“Concrete Materials & Products”, “Steel for the Reinforcement of Concrete”, “Ecological Aspects of Construction”) in the Israeli Institute of Standards. National representative in the Technical Committee of International Standardization Organization (ISO) on Radiological Protection, member of the group “Radiation Measurements”. In 2013 coordinated the academic consortium to create National Research Center on Recycling of Materials by the call of the Israeli Ministry of Environmental Protection.

He edits two international journals (Materials & Structures, Cement & Concrete Composites). Edited Special Issues of Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, and Construction & Building Materials. Fellow and Honorary member of RILEM – International Union of Laboratories & Experts in Construction Materials, Systems & Structures, Co-Chair of the Working Group “NORM in Building Materials”, ENA – European NORM Association, and member of ACI – American Institute of Concrete.


Prof. Kovler combines teaching and research with consulting for the industry and governmental ministries. Consulted on strengthening technology and materials durability of the 20-km dike under brine attack (Dead Sea Works Ltd., Israel), on concrete technology of high-strength concrete (first time in Israel) for 54-storey building in Tel-Aviv, Sarona Project, official consultant of Israel Electric Corporation and Port Authority on concrete technology. Advisor of the National Coal Ash Board and Nesher – Israel Cement Enterprises, and consultant in the lawsuit against the Israeli Ministry of Environmental Protection related to the uses of coal fly ash.


The research proposal “Alternative binders & eco-friendly building materials from Moroccan/Israeli phosphogypsum: reduction of environmental & health hazards within Circular Economy approach” Prof. Kovler lead as a Principal Investigator, jointly with the Moroccan colleagues, has been selected in 2024 for funding by USAID – The United States Agency for International Development.

Prof. Pedro Castro Borges


Dr. Castro works at CINVESTAV-IPN Unidad Merida, Yucatán, México since 1986 where he is researcher. He is Civil Engineer and M. Eng. from the Yucatán Autonomous University, he has a  PhD in Engineering from the National Autonomous University of México and a postdoctoral stay at the Torroja Institute of Construction Sciences from Madrid, Spain. His main areas are corrosion, durability and sustainability of reinforced concrete. Dr. Castro has won several national and international awards. Some of them are the Herbert Uhlig award from NACE International, the Honor Medal Juan Miguel Castro Martín, the Heberto Castillo award for Latin-American researchers, Award of The Yucatán State for Civil Engineers (Society of Civil Engineers), the Giraldilla Award from the government of Cuba, the NACE Mexican Chapter Award for National Trajectory, the international trajectory award from Alconpat,  the National Award Nabor Carrillo Flores of the Mexican council of civil engineers, the award Oladis Troconis de Rincón of the Association for Materials Performance and Protection (AMPP), and the award for the best paper in CORROSION Journal.   He has authored or coauthored more than 500 publications in indexed journals, national and international congresses, book chapters, books, review and diffusion articles and reports.  He has given more than 100 conferences as invited professor in several Institutions as well as in national and international events. He is or has been member of the international board of editors or referee of specialized Journals in Argentina, Brasil, Chile, México, Portugal, United Kingdom, USA and Venezuela. He is member of AMPP, RILEM, ACI, ALCONPAT and other important academic associations. He is member of the National Research System (SNII) and of the Mexican Academy of Sciences. Dr. Castro is past president of the Mexican Section of NACE,  ALCONPAT (Latinamerican association for quality control, pathology and repair of constructions), and past honorary president of RILEM. He has been chairman of important series of prestigious conferences like CONSEC, GORDON Conference, and Rilem Annual week. Dr. Castro is fellow of NACE and Alconpat, as well as honorary member of IBRACON and Alconpat. He is also Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Alicante, Spain.

Prof. Alejandro Duran Herrera

Facultad de Ingeniería Civil
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Dr. Duran Herrera is a Civil engineer with a PhD in materials engineering from the Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon (UANL), and was a visiting postdoctoral scholar at the University of Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada.

He has more than 30 years of practical experience in the area of Concrete Technology. Since 1998, he has taught Concrete Technology to undergraduate and graduate students at the Facultad de Ingenieria Civil at UANL, where since 2004 he is the advisor to the ACI-FIC-UANL Student Chapter as well as the Head of the of Concrete Technology Department of the Civil Engineering Institute, and since 2013 he was also entrusted with the Internationalization Affairs Coordination.

He is a member of technical associations such as the American Concrete Institute (ACI), of the International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures (RILEM for its acronym in French), of which he was its Coordinator for Latin America from 2018 to 2023, of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), of ALCONPAT, the Mexican Society of Structural Engineering (SMIE), and of the Northeast Mexico Chapter of ACI.

He has received different recognitions, including the one awarded for his outstanding contributions in the broad area of concrete technology in Mexico, received in Milan, Italy, on July 13, 2022, by the scientific committee of the 13th international conference on superplasticizers, and other chemical admixtures for concrete, and the 15th international conference on recent advances in concrete technology and sustainability issues, the one awarded by CONACYT as National Researcher Level II of its National Researchers System, the one awarded by the Mexican Academy of Engineering as Academic Holder in the Specialty Commission of Civil Engineering, those awarded by the American Concrete Institute (ACI) as fellow member (2006) and member of its Board of Directors (2013 – 2017).

From 2012 to 2016 he was a member of the Editorial Advisory Committee of the Scientific Journal “Construction and Building Materials” of Elsevier, a Journal of which he has been Editor since March 2016, and since its creation in October of 2020 he is the Technical Editor of the Revista Concreto Latinoamerica, a journal devoted to translate from English to Spanish the technical articles published in the ACI Concrete International Magazine. 

His research interests include: high performance concrete, self-compacting concrete, volumetric stability of concrete, internal curing of concrete, use of fly ash in concrete production, evaluation of the performance of fibers in concrete, NDT testing for concrete and concrete durability.